Bruno Codik: | Born in Berlin, Germany June 1 1900 |
Irma Codik: |
Children: Hella, Manfred, Margot
Grandchildren: Johnny, Pito, Marlon, Jimmy, David, unknown
- Herman Strauss, Manfred
- Heidi Strauss, Hella
- Back row: Margot, Jimmy Labi, Edward Blum, Hella Front Row: Marlon Labi, Johnny Blum
- Wedding: Margot Codik and Vittorio Labi
- Mr and Mrs Caminero, Ramona (unkknown last name), Margot
- Leo Wachsmann, Jhonny Blum, Pupi Schwarz
- Silvia Rodriguez Moncion(Teacher at ECC), unknown groom and bride, Vittorio Labi
- Front: Unknown(2), Tommy Milz Back: Marlon Labi
- Erich Rothenberg, Manfred
- Horst Wagner, Hanny Floersheim, Margot Labi working at the office of the cooperatives
- Virginia and George Schwarzbartl, Margot
- Julio Hasbun, Harry Floersheim, Vittorio Labi
- Manfred, Margot
- In back Margot Labi-Codik with school children. In front second from right Mr Scheer
- Johny and George Blum
- Vittorio Labi, Adolfo Gell and Mrs Gell
- Margot, Ramona Mena
- Bernie Wellisch, Marlon Labi, Juli Wellisch
- Vittorio Labi
- Unknown(2), Vittorio Labi
- Hannah Kirchheimer, Max Blum
- Margot and Vittorio Labi
- Johnny Blum, unknown , Hella unknown, unknown, Manfred, Pupi Schwarz
- Irma, Bruno, Frieda Rothenberg, Moses Yatzkan, Erich Rothenberg
- Frieda Rothenberg, Irma, Alice Strauss, Irene Neumann
- Wedding: Margot Codik and Vittorio Labi
- Irma Codik, unknown, Alice Strauss
- Flower girls Shirley Tauber and Frieda Meyer at Wedding of Margot Codik and Vittorio Labi
- Irma Codik, Pablo Cohnen
- unknown, Marlon Labi, unknown
- Irma, Bruno, Frida and Erich Rothenberg, Standing: Moses Yaezkan
- Vittorio Labi, Margot Labi nee Codik
- Vittorio and Margot
- Bruno, Mr. Sygal, Renate Blut,Johnny, Hella, Pito, Pupi Schwarz
- Bruno and Irma
- Bruno and Irma
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