Sosúa’s Jewish cemetery was constructed in 1940 by DORSA. The cemetery is located on a dirt road off El Camino Llibre about 2 kilometers from El Batey. It has an entrance gate and a place to pray, and follows Jewish funerary customs.
As most of the almost 700 persons who arrived in Sosúa did not stay, not all of the original settlers are buried here. Most Dominican spouses are buried here alongside their partners. A special section of the cemetery is reserved for persons who committed suicide, a few of which sadly took place in the early years of Sosúa’s existence.
- Elizabeth Yatzkan Koch
- Richard Wolf
- Lothar Wolf
- Jenny Wolf
- Selma Wellisch
- Kurt Wellisch
- Sofie Weinberg
- Jakob Weinberg
- Emilia Weinberg
- Luz Mena Wagner
- Horst Wagner
- Lutbert Wachsmann
- Jakob Wachsmann
- Aura Fernandez Wachsmann
- Feiwisch Sygal
- Erich Sygal
- Richard Strauss
- Alice Strauss
- Herald Spitz
- Berta Spitz
- Grete Sonnenschein
- Lotte Schweitzer
- Bernhard Schweitzer
- Egon & Hilde Schwarz
- Frieda Rothenberg
- Erich Rothenberg
- Alfredo Rothenberg
- Walter Robitschek
- Rachel Reuter
- Berthold Reuter
- Moritz Ropp
- Arina Phillipp
- Ludwig Oberbreit
- Manfred Neumann
- Irene Neumann nee Frankenberg
- Max Milz
- Josef Milz
- Frederick Milz
- Werner Meyerstein
- Paula Meier
- Kaethe Meier
- Hans Mazur
- Fritz Mazur
- Fanny Mazur
- Alejandrina Mazur
- Herbert Levi
- Sarolta Laufer
- Siegfried Korn
- Gerda Koch
- Felix Gustav Koch
- Bruno Kirstein
- Ana Kirstein nee Puig
- Ilona Kirchheimer
- Artur Kirchheimer
- Otto Kibel
- Judith Kibel
- Rosa Katz nee Reyes
- Max Katz
- Martin Katz
- Emil Katz
- Bertha Katz
- Siegward Hirschfeld
- Luis and Ana Julia Hess
- Rudolf Herzberg
- Ilse Herzberg
- Stella Hershkovitz
- Israel Hershkowitz
- Erich Hauser
- Karoline Freund
- Johanna Floersheim
- Adolf Floersheim
- Joseph Eichen
- Manfred Echt
- Erna Echt
- Charlotte and Leo Czarlinsky
- Cohnen Family
- Sara Cohnen
- Alfred Cohnen
- Sigmund Buck
- Leopold Ariel Buck
- Adele Buck
- Joseph Bronkerch
- Ernst Blau
- Walter Biller
- Elsa Biller
- Karl Berger
- Erna Benjamin
- Erich Benjamin
- Herald Baum
- Johnny Arm
- Moses & Margaretha Arnoldi
- Panoramic view of the cemetery (2010)
- Panoramic view of the cemetery (2010)
- Entrance door to the cemetery (2010)