Foto Donation from the Labi/Codik and the Blum/Codik families
- Hella, unknown, Manfred Codik with children at the beach
- Manfred Codik at Shabat service
- Manfred and Irma
- Margot and Lotte Wolf
- Margot and Marlon
- Irma Codik, Margot and Filomena Czarlinsky at birthday party
- Margot and Hella with children
- School teachers at beach
- unknown with Margot and Victor Labi
- School Children
- Victor and Marlon
- Hella, Margot, Victor and Motzi at beach
- Jimmy
- Hella with school children
- School ceremony
- School ceremony
- Victor with friends at gathering
- Hella and Motzi
- Margot with children
- Hella at school
- Family reunion in Miami
- Hella and Johny
- Family reunion
- Family reunion
- Birthday party
- Johnny
- Johny and Jimmy
- Jimmy
- Irma with children
- Motzi and Ernesto
- Jimmy
- Mauricio Codik
- Johnny
- Johnny
- Pito
- Marianne Floersheim with baby
4 Responses to Labi – Blum Photo Donation